
I am a Gallup-Certified Strengths Coach, Newfield-Certified Coach & an Appreciative Inquiry Practitioner. My work surrounds organisation development & training. I’ve consulted extensively for corporates & schools, focusing on developing professionals, teams, leadership & culture. I also build coaching skills & systems, integrating strengths & positive psychology to transform organisations.

I also consult extensively for Cyber Wellness & Media Literacy, designing training & intervention solutions for schools & families.

You are warmly invited to browse through my work & thoughts.


Strengths & Positive Change

I am the co-founder at StrengthsTransform. We specialise in Strengths-Coaching & Appreciative Inquiry to help clients explore extraordinary possibilities - focusing on what is right and not just merely addressing deficits. I am a Gallup-Certified Strengths Coach, Newfield-Certified Coach (Ontological) and Certified People Acuity® Coach (Strengths Strategy). Using our proprietary StrengthsTransform™ programme, we've reached more than 70,000 clients in 11 years, in Singapore, South East Asia & all around the world.

My Signature Talent Themes

My signature CliftonStrengths talent themes are Achiever | Ideation | Relator | Strategic | Analytical | Learner. Through the years of learning & coaching with strengths, I bring my A-game when I learn about the needs of clients, make accurate diagnoses, and develop solutions that are creative, scalable, practical & efficient. Over the years, many deep & trusted partnerships have been forged with clients & associates.

Strengths-Based Team

A genuine belief in interdependence undergirds the StrengthsTransform™ approach. I partner with an amazing team of staff & associates from Amplitude Consulting & Kingmaker Leadership Institute. Discovering & synergising diverse talents is a constant focus with our clients, but also an everyday focus for our team.

Cyber Wellness & Media Literacy

Since 2001, I've been designing & validating intervention programmes for cyber wellness. In 2003, I played a lead-consultant role in conceptualising & propagating the "cyber wellness movement" in Singapore. That has since taken root & evolved to become a mandatory part of the Singapore Education landscape. In these years, I've had the privilege of designing programmes to reach more than 1.5 million clients through my consulting / training business (current) & by leading a non-profit organisation.

I believe media (digital, information) literacy is the critical challenge of our times. Ubiquitous access & constant connection to the Internet have brought unprecedented shifts to personal lives, relationships, families & society. My research interests include Internet & video game addiction, online privacy & online aggression. I design programmes to change attitudes & behaviour (risk factors) & to teach protective factors.

Professional Services

(1) Speaking & Training
(2) Consulting & Programme Design
(3) Executive & Personal Coaching
(4) Research Consultancy