Your Unique Talents - Keys to Power, Purpose & Passion in your Career
(An article I am writing for a dear friend's mission to value-add to the gig economy. And for everyone out there who is on the journey to discover your unique personal branding & contribution)
Key Questions for the Independent Talent
Q1: Why should customers & clients choose us?
Q2: What sets our service apart from the rest of the market?
These are key questions that face the successful Independent Talent (IT) everyday. The answer involves identifying how one can "uniquely value-add" to customers & clients, then elevating the service to become a "compelling draw" for clients.
Operating with Talent
"Unique value-add" happens when one does a job with his/her unique talents. Using Clifton StrengthsFinder terminology, "Talent" is defined as a naturally recurring pattern of thinking, feeling & behaviour.
There are 34 StrengthsFinder talent themes that can be productively applied in careers.
We all have different dominant talents
When one operates with his/her "talent", it taps into a naturally stronger ability & competence for the task. It expends less energy because it is not contrived - resulting in greater enthusiasm & energy. The service becomes better value for the client. When successfully sustained over time, it carves a clear niche highlighting the best that one can offer to the world - a unique value-proposition.
Thus if any person is able to find, create or shape a job that maximises all of one's dominant talents – he/she will probably have found the lead to an ideal, all-consuming career - one marked with excellence, productivity & engagement.
Talents & My Career
My top 5 StrengthsFinder talents are (1) Achiever (2) Ideation (3) Relator (4) Strategic (5) Analytical. The profile describes & identifies very accurately the highlights & valleys of my career:
Highlights - when I design intellectual property (#ideation, #strategic, #analytical) for a nationwide thrust for cyber wellness education
Valleys – when I struggled to use my #relator talent (as an engineer) & #achiever talent (as a manager in a big hierarchical organisation)
Today, I am a Strengths Coach for professionals & students, imparting the very same insights that transformed & continually shapes my career. Everyone’s primary goal should be to identify one's talents, to intentionally develop & operate with them.
Launch Your Strengths-Based Career
Purchase your profile & get a complimentary 15min consultation, visit this link